HiddenCity | HiddenCity - Player Manual

Player Manual

In a HiddenCity real-world adventure game you will solve clues sent to your phone on a treasure hunt-style experience across the city. Here are some messages you can send for help along the way.

If you send...
We will...
Time Penalty...
The correct answer
(spelt correctly!)
Send you the next clue, or we will inform you if you have a break and how long the break is.
An incorrect answer
Send you "Sorry your answer is incorrect".
10 mins
one lifeline per team per game for incorrect answers
Send you directions in plain English.
10 mins
one lifeline per team per game for LOST
Send you a hint on how to solve the final part of the clue to work out the correct answer.
10 mins
one lifeline per team per game for STUCK
Send you the next clue, or we will inform you if you have a break and how long the break is.
Only send SKIP as a last resort, because you will have 30 minutes added to your total time.
30 mins
Send you the last message again (worth trying if you have trouble receiving a message).
Send you a reminder of how to ask for help.
Send the location that you need to reach in order to solve the clue if LOST hasn't got you there.
'End break'
Send you the next clue, ending your break.
A teammate's mobile number eg: 07000 1 23456
Add the number you texted us to receive clues in addition to the registered team captain's number - useful if you lose reception or your phone battery dies. This number can also send messages on behalf of your team (but only answer from one phone per clue). See FAQ 5 for guidelines on texting us your mobile numbers.
Quit your team. Be warned - this cannot be reversed!